SOESA Poster Presentation: "The voices of tenure-track faculty: Their transitional experiences"

The above word cloud provides a summary of what "The voices of tenure-track faculty: Their transitional experiences" poster is about. Based upon the qualitative phenomenological research study that five other researchers and I did for our Qualitative Research I course to "explore the transitional experience of newly-hired tenure-track faculty at a research one institution. Newly hired tenure-track faculty is defined as faculty participating in any stage of the tenure process prior to being granted tenure." We investigated tenure preparation pertaining to politics and culture, daily responsibilities, supportive relationships, unexpected barriers to progress, as well as the overall gist of the tenure experience. The themes and findings that emerged provided us with suggestions as to how the tenure process might be revamped for overall improvement. The full poster presentation is below and describes what resources were used to produce it.

SOESA Poster Presentation: "The voices of tenure-track faculty: Their transitional experiences."

Evans, A. D., Adams, I. S., Richmond, J. A., Spruill, N. R. (2008, February). The voices of tenure-track faculty: Their transitional experiences. Poster presentation at the 3rd Annual School of Education Student Association Research Conference, Blacksburg, VA.

This is a poster that I created for the 2008 School of Education Student Association (SOESA) 3rd annual conference in Blacksburg, VA. Research for developing this poster consisted of researching and referring to the following sites for information about presenting quality poster presentations:

  1. Advice on designing scientific posters.
    Colin Purrington. Department of Biology, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania.
  2. Creating effective poster presentations.
    George Hess, Kathryn Tosney, Leon Liegel.
  3. PhD Poster Gallery.