TWSIA Winner: Andrea
Using constructivism, she provided guided instruction through their learning of forensic science across great distances. Providing them with defined temporary roles allowed them to experience different situations & the requisite decision-making skills both individually & as a team. The necessary interactions also allowed students the flexibility to choose how they would communicate, as long as it was within Interact (Sakai). This allowed her to "peek" in and observe their process and progress.
An Evalution Rubric was used to assess both the student work & the quality of the course. The "surprise" by many of the stuents themselves was how willing & enthusiastic they each were to share their specific knowledge & skills w/group members, creating a true community within.
TWSIA Winner: Edith Sheffer
Edith's live, face-to-face course focused on interactions, having her students workly closely & intensely with European history & Sakai providing the platform.
Capitalizing on the wiki, students kept and created wiki pages for their own "historical avatar." each student drew an identity at random; to whom they were born and where. All were born in 1900, but life circumstances were different. Students then had to construct a childhood. Based on the history lectures in class, they had to discuss their avatar's life choices.
This open platform inspired authorship, imagination, curiosity, and understanding. Students averaged 1121 words per post = 4.5 pages every week for 9 weeks ON THEIR OWN. They went beyond basic research. They became attached to their avatar, too. They built a life that required introspection, reflection, & evaluation to create lasting learning.
-- I apologize for typos or errors. This was sent from my mobile phone. --
Amber D. Evans
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