My Faculty 2.0 Course

What am I going to use and survey in class? Some--but not likely all--of the below.


    1. Web 2.0 [YouTube]
      March 08, 2006. From: jutecht
      Description: Using the Web 2.0 write up in Wikipedia this video is to help teach educators about Web 2.0 tools
    2. Description: "Web 2.0" in just under 5 minutes. This is a slightly revised and cleaned up version of the video that was featured on YouTube in February 2007 [...]
    3. Wikipedia's List of "Social Software"
    4. WebWare 100 Awards
    5. Flick'r: Web 2.0 Logos & Links
  1. Communities of Practice (CoPs)
    1. My Google Library
      1. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity
        by Etienne Wenger - Business & Economics - 1999 - 336 pages
      2. Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge
        by Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott, William Snyder - Philosophy - 2002 - 284 pages.
    2. Wikipedia: Community of Practice

  2. Communication --> Community Collaboration
    1. Email, IRC, IM (Web 1.0)
      1. IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
      2. AIM (AOL instant messenger)
      3. Yahoo! (Yahoo! instant messenger)
      4. MSN (Microsoft Live messenger)
      5. GoogleTalk / Jabber (Open-source instant messenger)
      6. ICQ (I-Seek-You instant messenger)
    2. P2P (Peer-to-Peer)
      1. eMule
      2. BitTorrent
    3. RSS 2.0 (Really Simple Syndication)
    4. Blogs (contraction for "web log")
      1. Blogger
      2. LiveJournal
      3. Edublogs
    5. Wikis (quick website collaboration)
      1. PBwiki for educators
      2. VT's Scholar with wiki
    6. Twitter

  3. Productivity Tools
    1. Creative Commons
      Creative Commons provides free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, and educators easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved."
    2. Daylert
      Combines Facebook's social presence with Blackboard's online classroom.
    3. Google Apps
      Variety of free, collaborative, online office-like applications (and more).
    4. MS Office Live Workspace
      MS Office applications online, shareable, and allows for collaboration.
    5. My Yahoo! Widgets
      Brings updated, at-a-glance view of your favorite Internet services to your desktop.
    6. Yahoo! Pipes
      Pipes is a composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web.

  4. Visual Search Engines
    1. KartOO
      A metasearch engine with visual display interfaces.
    2. Quintura
      Another visual search engine with one built specifically for kids.
    3. searchCrystal
      A search visualization tool that enables you to compare, remix and share results from the best web, image, video, blog, tagging, news engines, Flickr images or RSS feeds to compare multiple engines in one place.
    4. SearchMash
      Google's foray into a search "mashup."
    5. TouchGraph
      A free Java application to explore the visual connections between related websites.

  5. Social Bookmarking/Clipping/News
    1. Clipmarks
    3. Technorati
    4. Digg

  6. Photo/Slide/Video/Audio Sharing
    1. Flick'r
    2. Picasa
    3. Photobucket
    4. SlideShare
    5. YouTube
    6. Ustream
    7. Podcasting
    8. CrowdAbout

  7. Social Networking/MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online [Role Playing] Game)
    1. MySpace
    2. Facebook
    3. DeviantArt
    4. World of Warcraft
    5. Second Life